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About US
Koyas hospital a unit of MAK Hospital Pvt.Ltd.,Cheruvannur, Feroke was established by late Dr.M Muhammed in the year 1945. In the year 1972, as a Rural Pharmacy. Dr. M. Muhammed, a philanthropist himself, had attended multiple patient on regular basis at home as well as at the clinic he made house visits using a motor boat and 4WD jeep there a no. of the legend Dr.M.Muhammed.
Dr. M.A.Koyas, his only son, took over the Hospital in 1972 after his graduation from Srinagar Medical College, developed the hospital in a phased manner over the years adding more and more departments, equipment and facilities. He also commisssioned the services of specialities in all major areas of medical services and over the years. He also actively participated for social causes, was always there to lend a helping hand to the needy. He was active in the social organisation like Rotary and Wisemens Association, MES Roza ul aloom etc.
Dr. M.Shanu, the only son of late Dr.M.A.Koya took over the admistration of the hospital after his Post Graduation from KMC Manipal with the help of his father, his mentor and advisor, he further develpoed the hospital. He is actively involved in philanthropist activities had conducted car rallies for fund raising for cancer awareness and treatment and participated in so many classes to the general public and in schools regarding cancer awareness.
Our Doctors

Facilities & Services
Ambulance Services
Operation Theater
Laboratory Services
Pharmacy Services
X-ray Services
Contact Us
Koyas Hospital, Cheruvannur,
Phone : +91-495-2480400
Mobile and whats-app : +918606482800
Fax :+91-495-2483829
E-mail : info@koyashospital.com, info.koyas@gmail.com